Modern Minimalist
5 or more rooms
PRC (People's Republic of China)
above 301㎡

BDSD Horizontal Design | 135 Floor, Huizhou Residences - Huifan Jiangwan

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Life is like the sea, home is the harbor

“From the shallow bay, go to the deep blue Baltic Sea,

Under the bright light, the lakeshore mountains are so clear.

On the calm sea surface, the sails at points swayed with the wind,

I was on a small boat and lay down,


I don't know how to describe the scenery of that moment,

But since then,

It became my most beautiful memory of the sea. “

Mr. Liao is a family member who loves the sea. He met his wife by the sea, and the children also love to play by the sea. When they bought this house facing the river, it seemed to send them a longing for the sea.

Return to Port · Shinfan

In order to catch the sunrise on the terrace, we appeared on the terrace on the third floor of Mr. Liao's house in front of the winding East River, and Hsinho Bridge quietly waited for the oncoming traffic. Mr. Liao has started preparing aerial photography and is quite professional in operating drones. You can only see the drone slowly take off, pass through the buildings in front of you, fly over the open water, take a turn and turn, until it stops slowly on the top of the floor.

When the whole space is still asleep in the early morning haze, the terrace is gradually illuminated, the new flowers under the flowers take time. The laundry and sunbathing area of the original building remains an excellent frame of view. In this picture: not far away is the city skyline, densely packed with high-rises, a tower towering, bearing a certain building The building continued to grow upward, the sun gradually rose, and the sky was like a firework, so the whole expectation was fulfilled.

THE ROMANTIC CURVES OF THE SEA, THE WAVES OF FLOWERS, THE SUBMERGED SURFACE OF THE WATER IN THE CLOUDS, THE SHINING LIGHT... ARE ALL SOURCES OF INSPIRATION FOR CREATIVITY. Designers want to make the new home a living space full of experience and fun. By building a variety of interactive experiences, person-to-person, people-space interactions, make your home a container of life and an exciting playground to explore.

Public spaces look different at different times of the day. In the early morning, the light has not yet come here, and the house is enveloped in an atmosphere of tranquility and tranquility. LIKE A SEAFRONT SOFA WITH WIDE ARMS, TWO BLUE WAVE SINGLE CHAIRS, A WHITE “ISLAND” LOOMED IN IT, AND A BLANKET INCLUDED THEM ALL IN ONE EMBRACE.

By mid-afternoon, the sun illuminates the entire space and also illuminates every arc. These continuous curves, starting at the entrance, are continuous and extend from above like waves. A suspended wall is inserted from top to bottom, which is like a “sail” on the surface of the sea, gently blown away by the wind. Embed a light source at the junction of the ceiling with the wall, and a fireplace is installed below, the jumping light enriches the shape of the space. The decorative art on the walls is made of the sea all over the world, various sea cuts and collages, which are either dark and dark, or mirror-like, or hazy, or clear... Sugimoto photographs seascapes, where he seems to be unaltered by time, the sea, the flow and the thousand that are embedded in this tranquility Transformative potentials are a Zen of the Orient, which are imbued with unimaginable beauty in moments that cannot be captured. In the evening, the children and the gentleman returned home, and the whole space began to get lively. Everyone walks through the space, while obscured by the background wall, while appearing on the corner stairs, the space is lively and dynamic. A diverse interactive experience that enables the interaction of person to person, person and space, making the home a container and playground for life. When the fireplace opens, the atmosphere of the space is dulled. Kids chat, play, run in front of the fireplace.

Four Seasons Fireworks

Our memories of home always have an inseparable connection with the kitchen, familiar tastes, mother's shadow, moments of reunion that, despite many years later, remain the warmest of our memories. A clean kitchen, full of crystal light, with flowers and fruits exuding a fresh air. The restaurant and kitchen are smooth and open, connected to the living room by a set of bar counters, where the aromas of one meal and people's fireworks flow through the space.

Awakened by the Light

Sitting in the master bedroom, as if sitting by the river, the water of the river flowed unchanged, you could not see the ripples, did not hear the clatter of the river, and occasionally saw the birds flying from the surface of the water and quickly became invisible. The sunrise splashes on the surface of the water, like gold that wriggles. The whole bedroom was awakened by the morning light, all the whites were shrouded in the gentle yellow of the upper layer, completely immersed in the beauty of the early morning. Open the windows, the river wind blew the curtains, the light swayed, and the sound of vehicles on the road gradually came, and a fresh day was approaching. On weekends in no hurry to prepare breakfast, Mrs. Liao likes to sit on a chair by the window, just to enjoy this precious moment. Pale pink for girls, sky blue for boys, full of childish fun and elegance, and flowing curves allow space to move more freely. When the children run into their rooms with alarm, jump on the bed and shout, “It's like a dream house,” this happiness goes without saying.

Peace of mind and self

You can't change the shape of a mountain.

You can't change a bird's flight path

Can't change the speed of the river

So just observe it

It's enough to discover its beauty

—— Jiddu Krishnamuti [India]

Located in the master bedroom, the study and tea room on three floors are the home of the male and female owners. At home, we have different roles, we are parents, couples, children, and we are more ourselves. A good home, in addition to being together, needs to create a space where you can accommodate yourself. When we gain inner peace and gentleness due to the environment, people are more dependent on space. The study room is simply decorated and filled with a natural atmosphere, creating a healing and relaxing feeling. The open river view is incorporated into the interior, and the space is constantly extended to higher places, breaking through narrow corners. Overlooking the city from above, just observing this busy day, this distance brings a firm strength to the heart.

The designer opened a skylight in the rooftop tea room to let the light in, and as the light moved on the walls, the shadow evolves infinitely in the space, just watching it is enough to discover the infinite charm of nature. The aftertaste of tea, the shadow of Yuanshan. Cherishing the present, cherishing the brief solitude of a busy life, is a kind of happiness. Home is like a harbor, allowing busy people to dock, and allowing growing children to open their eyes, both a place of rest and a source of motivation for life's struggles. There are lights, there are books, there are flowers that are half-open, there are lemons that have just fallen, and people who embrace their arms like a harbor like a harbor, and happiness lasts forever.

The Last Book · Tsukimo Kei

Looking at the site, which the new house was a little completed, Tsai Liao said that it was as if the dream was gradually coming true. The young children repeatedly asked when they could move in and photograph the day they first walked into their own little room, and the little girl excitedly shouted, “It's like in a dream.” Life is like the sea, calm and bustling when it is clear and gloomy, and at the beginning of this week it is still possible to keep a good heart to cherish every moment of the present moment. “Sail & Jiang Wan” not only sends the love of the sea to the whole family and brings with it the wisdom of life, but also expects the home to be the soul port of every member. Returning here is a time of happiness.

Project Information
Project Name | Reinfant·Jiangwan
Project area | 450 m²
Project Location | Huizhou, China
Design Team | BDSD Horizontal Design
Project Design | Lin Wenko Sun Hengyuan
Involved Design | Ho Hai Quan Pan Mei Kai Yeh to Jen So, Yin Wu Rui Hong
Soft Design | BDSD Agoji Software/Ye Chia-Hin Dong Hongqiong
Project Construction | Yuan Jinlai
Form Structure | Planar Artery
Project Photography | Hama Visual Yamatsu
Project Photography | Han Mu Vision Leung Chun Hing
Brand Planning | Beyond Feedback

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