Modern Minimalist
Three-room layout
PRC (People's Republic of China)
201㎡ -250㎡

Philae Design | 47 Ping, Hunan Designer's Home — Homing to Modern Style

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I have named this work “Homecoming”. The meaning is that it is indeterminate, the landscape is like a painting, the way the heart is directed, that is, the home. Matter can never be satisfied with the spiritual world, and no matter where it is, people cannot escape from their roots! Watching the people and things of my home become an important part of my happiness!
——Designer Self Explained

Time is like a blank space, but memory is a moment eternal. Dot and drop by drop in time, the untraceable day and day after day, the Eucharist period will fade into day and day. Memories unique to that era are reproduced with iconic objects in the present time, linked in real, retro scenarios to the marks of the eighties. Flats used as children, dungeons that were collected for years as a child, as well as objects collected on trips, etc. have found their place in this home. Memories extend through the future, and the number plates of a lifetime. Designers once again inked their homes, and the spirit and meaning of the design are embodied in this moment. Expression.


This set is an old-school holiday home that doesn't need to be overloaded with functionality, art and emotion to create a pure, thick story-like space. Based on earthy colors, a large number of natural elements are applied to the interior, simple, natural, warm, and memory flows back in time, why the past is the future, the future will eventually become the past, and the past was the future. The house has a wide view overlooking the entire city and the mountains in the distance. Unobstructed, you can visually enjoy the natural scenery of their home country and urban changes. It is suitable for those who live in Hangzhou only return on holidays.

THE OUTDOORS ARE HOME, THE INTERIOR IS CHILDHOOD, LINKING MEMORIES OF THE ENTIRE JOURNEY OF LIFE. Delicately soft, textured, natural benzene leather sofas evoke vintage tones. An old wooden coffee table with chisels will fill the handmade texture. The wooden pillars collected on the journey are placed in front of the screen, and the stones on the pillars are picked up in the mountains of the home country, such as rhinos, bees or puppies. Abstract shapes can give it different ideas and definitions, filled with a sense of story and family fun. With a rustic, natural and rustic atmosphere, the house for a holiday apartment does not have to sacrifice the sense of taste and the richness of the elements in an artistic and emotional form. In an age where the Internet and information are underdeveloped, a projector is one of the most important ways to communicate with the outside world and with art.

At that time, there are often organized screenings, and every evening the townspeople take their seats on benches and wait for the start of the performance. The curiosity and longing of childhood to enjoy with close friends on the open screen has become an unrepeatable past. As a reminder, the designer's projector was located in a prominent place in the house, and it can still be shown normally today, and there is a booklet in detail recording the place and the events at the time. Full of memories come with the thick retread of the times, and the memories are drawn back to that hectic evening again, and the laughter is full of novelty.


The thin and long pointed wood hanging on the side wall of the restaurant was a flat bed used by a family as a designer teacher. Today, Ciwu's reluctant parents no longer have to carry the burden. Its value lingers in that era, lying in the woodpile waiting for the story to end. One day, when the designer accidentally sees it, memories are filled with sadness, and the old thing is put back in a new home and let it shed its value in another way. In this house you can see not only the mark of the times, but also the heritage of the family. The dining and kitchen area is divided into several small, finely dispersed spaces that recombine to free up the volume of space and revitalize the space. The open layout makes use of its south-north and transparent advantages, knocking down all partitions into an open kitchen, combining load-bearing column movement to create an island platform. The foundation of the house combines the shape as a functional arrangement. The layout is reasonable, the movement is smooth and the view is open.


A few wooden pillars projected into the curtains serve as a barrier to the entrance hall and interior space. The wood comes from the countryside and has a history of almost 100 years, and after cleaning the surface, it is directly decorated to preserve its purest appearance. The vintage radio on the sideboard was a precious and trendy beacon of that era. Weddings at the time were certainly not without it, even if there was nothing to go by in the house. An object is a story of an era. The beige stone embankment next to the cabinet was collected by the designer at the age of fifteen and, as if it were all a trace, he had a persistent fondness for this kind of thing from a young age. After years of collecting “Baby”, he revalued it as a designer. It was found a suitable place in a new home, good as a shoe change bench, as well as an ornament. The young movement was closed at this moment, and the story of this house is becoming clearer.


A small space to the left of the entrance serves as a leisure area - tasting and about 35 friends chatting about old memories. The stone on the walls of the room is natural stone, picked up locally in the mountains near the village, and the material has a rough texture and a natural texture. Simple and authentic, it fits well with this elegant and casual space.


When it comes to creating a natural, serene sleeping atmosphere, the curtain box is decorated with wooden elements, adding a touch of rustic elegance that resonates with and continues with the whole style of the home. The old TV set, stored in the bedside cabinet, turned on and you could see the snowflakes, hear the sound of sand, and it was felt again by an old object that had been discarded by the times. The thought goes back to that fuzzy picture quality and often lost signal, and the TV stations searched for, but not many times, Tsuzu's flavorful childhood. The whole space is simple and smooth without overstyling with soft ink. The simple design gives a feeling of deep relaxation and comfort, creating an ideal environment conducive to a good night's sleep.

Project Information
Project Name - Homesick
Design Agency - Phila Design
Project Design - Song Hung Fei
Project Area -157 ㎡
Project Address - Hunan, China

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