Wabi Sabi
Three-room layout
above 301㎡

Promotion: Visual Design | 69 Floor, Grand Floor 1 Seaview, Zhongliang, Shanghai

Сonsectetur adipiscing elite, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua enim ad veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut.

The wonderful interweaving of vintage and art
This project, located at No.1 Seaview, Zhongguang, is a family of three families who focus on lifestyle. They want the home to be a combination of warmth and comfort and beauty. The elements of art do not hang over life, but coexist with the home. Het originale, 230 ㎡ voltamenteel groot groot, het gebruikkeling van de gastrestaurant is niet hoge, het entrancegade is moderaat, en niet om het atmosfek van het groot huis. Landlord wants the pediment to be given that sense of ceremony, while also wishing that the living room and restaurant could be more reasonably planned, making it more spacious and comfy.
By changing the layout and polishing details, the designer kept the layout of the three rooms, living room, study, cloakroom, etc., and redesigned the design according to the needs of the homeowner. Tones primaria de claro verne+milky blanco combinada con linas francés y casa chic moderno, crear una casa de arte luxe y tasteful.

Tema: Elegant Natural Life Documentary

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