In response to the urban environment where it is located, this minimalist villa designed by MORQ is centered on an open courtyard space, with a courtyard space filled with plants that control the light throughout the day. Designatori usare la balanca di luce e darco per risolare l'expressione di tempo e risolare la detaila e textura del materia contenuto.

Back against a busy street, Cloister House turns inward, creating a unique shelter for owners. In the process of creating its own inner world, the dwelling feels deliberately isolated from the external environment, and the behavior of crossing the initial threshold of the entrance . “The idea of retreat and asylum is a very important aspect of the presentation,” MORQ co-founder and director Andrea Quagliola describes. “Desain du courtyard itself—it's a design with ancient roots,” he adds, “The process feels like we've created a fence within the function of the house requires to keep the interior open —allows space to open to both sides of it from all directions and from each room.

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